Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Comments

Well the election is over... North Carolina still undecided for whatever reason... its probably because when I voted they rejected my vote... hmm seems like a scam to me... just kidding. My wife Anne Michelle is a very wise person and she made a very insightful comment this morning after the results. I had said maybe we will move to Texas and hope that Texas succeeds and becomes its own country(jokingly)... and she said... "Everything will be ok, its not like God woke up this morning and said Oh no! Obama got elected, I really missed that one!"

Granted I am not thrilled about having a President who has a total of less than 6 months of actual Senate experience, and who for many other reasons that could be argued for centuries is not qualified to be President. However, I am at peace knowing that God is in control.

Psalm 22:28

28 for dominion belongs to the LORD and he rules over the nations.

Friday, October 24, 2008

New post already...

Just to give you an example of the day to day... I am currently

1)Taking photos of cars(I have 25 cars or so to take 15 photos of)

2) Loading them online for all of my wonderful internet shoppers to see

3)wait for someone to call.... and then hopefully they buy something..

To see all of my current inventory for sale...(shameless plug)

New 09 F150(This is where I take the photos now, I like the trees...)

Fall is here...

Well this would be the first of hopefully some insightful and funny posts. This blog is going to be mainly for venting about Plymouth NC(the twilight zone) car business, and whatever else. I also hope to document with photos some funny things we see each day we drive to work. So I hope those of you who know me enjoy this and if you do not know me and happen upon this leave me a message and you may learn something about car sales and may just laugh. who knows this may be my only post ever... we will see.

By the way this is what october looks like on the Albermarle Sound at my parents house...